Saturday, 5 February 2011

Richard Branson knows the power of a wow brand experience

When Richard Branson talks about delighting customers, building loyalty and advocacy it is worth paying attention.

There is no doubt he is a brilliant operator. He knows how to turn a negative situation into a positive brand story. [check-out my PR master stroke post]

In a recent article post Branson talks about the importance of a 'chain reaction of team that is consistent from beginning to end'

I totally agree.

If a brand organisation wants to WOW consumers it needs to create a culture that enthuses employees to solve customer service issues and, importantly, empower them to take action without having to follow a rule book or refer up a chain of command. He says:

No company can train its front-end people to handle every situation, but you can strive to create an environment in which they feel at ease "doing as they would be done by."

The Reuters article is definitely worth a read. The two stories he tells would have almost certainly resulted in delighted customers.

Brand experiences like them drive loyalty and advocacy. A sure way to drive sustainable profitability.

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