I got this randon Tweet from Amazon.
Promise - Deliver - Delight - at all stages of the Path to Advocacy
I’ve borrowed (and slightly changed) this quote from an article in a new Peppers and Rodgers on-line journal
It is a great article; take a look [Customer Strategist]
It supports a number of points I've made before...
Delivering great brand experience will grow the bottom-line:
“.. several recent studies confirm the link between customer experience and bottom-line performance”
Emotion contact is more effective than rational communication. It’s about what you do and how you treat consumers, not what you say, that is more influential:
“Customers feel first and think second—and interactions with a company strongly influence their heart and produce a longer lasting impact than communications directed toward their heads.”
Training and culture are key:
“Many companies lack the employee training and automated processes necessary to create the insight, interaction, improvement, and orientation necessary for a successful customer experience program.”
“Simply revising structure and technology doesn't suffice; company culture has to be changed for improvement."
If you want to build a competitive advantage consider seriously how you can work with others in your organisation, maybe using the PDD framework, to find ways to deliver compelling and relevant brand experiences that will genuinely WOW consumers.
"... created a 12-person ‘food experience’ in Paris, which allows diners to host their own dinner parties or food workshops encased in a glass room on top of the Palais de Tokyo museum."
Thanks to Guardian.co.uk I recently heard about the Japanese train company that is scanning its employees to make sure they smile properly.
What an extraordinary story.
Okay, I am a great believer that customer facing employees in any organisation should be delivering experiences that delight shoppers/users/passengers.
However, I don’t think that a smile scanner is the answer.
I think this Japanese company should provide training that guides and inspires their employees to deliver positive experiences every day, in a way that will genuinely WOW its passengers
A start point is look at what other organisations are doing [check out my Brand Experience Culture posting]
I think Hyundai are doing things right.
They are rapidly progressing up the reliability rankings and have developed some smart promotion strategies designed to get noticed by price sensitive consumers who are anxious about the recession.
This is helping them grow market share, which is clearly great news for them.
However, in my view, this is just the start.
Each new buyer gives Hyundai 3-5 years to deliver two of the most positive brand experiences:
These brand experiences should give Hyundai loads of opportunities to provide great customer service and build strong relationships.
Assuming Hyundai continues to get it right they should be able to convince owners to buy again, and possibly even make them advocates.
This is great as these advocates will promote Hyundai to their friends and family, who in turn may consider and possibly buy a Hyundai.
And so it should go on....more owners; deeper brand experiences; more advocates; more sales.
I shall watch their progress with interest.
[By the way, I just bought a new Hyundai .]
To win with the consumer brand organisations need to rethink how they do business.
It is not just about important stuff like designing great advertising, having an elegant in-store presence, a helpful customer service or clever social marketing strategy. It’s about building an organisation that is capable of delivering winning brand experiences at every stage of the consumer journey. ....that I call the Path to Advocacy
To do this they need to break down silos between marketing, sales, product design, customer service, ecommerce, etc, and get them to focus on delivering joined-up and magical brand experiences that delight the consumer; to move them from buyers, to loyals, and ultimately advocates.
The aim of this blog is to comment on [based on what I see, hear or read] how well or not brands are delivering brand experiences from the perspective of the consumer and/or the brand operation - using the Brand PDD™ framework.