Saturday 23 January 2010

'Delivering Happiness' provides another key to success

Zappos is an awesome company.

I have posted before about how Tony Hsieh (CEO) leads a brand organisation that, in my view, is a 'black belt' in delivering winning Brand Experiences; fuelled by their commitment to 'WOWing every customer.'

The above was presented by Hsieh at a recent Tony Robbins - Business Mastery.

Powerful stuff.

It is definitely worth a read. It has so much great stuff in it. Two key points for me:
  • Zappos absolute focus on vision, culture and customer service.
  • How this focus drives word of mouth and repeat customers (check-out the compelling reveue numbers on page 7).
Look-out for his book 'Delivering Happiness' being published in June 2010. It will almost certainly become a must-read for anyone serious about building a brand organisation that recognises the importance of delivering consumer Brand Experiences that WOW consumers and drive advocacy.

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